Sermon Notes
January 17, 2024: Consistent Christianity
Scriptures: Luke 9:23; 1 Corinthians 6:19, 13; 1 John 4
Tonight's Takeaways: Be consistent every day; even if you are having a bad day. God wants us to decide if we want Him as our Father. He wants eternal commitment. We should impact the world. Influence people to Jesus using the Word and LOVE. Be there for others in love and love being there. Have agape! Agape is trusting, protecting, and never self-seeking. Persevere through all hardships with love.
Agape: The caring for and seeking the highest good of another without motivation of personal gain
Persevere: Continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.
January 10, 2024: Consistent Christianity
Scriptures: Luke 9:23; 1 Cor. 6:19, 13:1&4-7; 1 John 4:7; Zach. 7:5; Psa. 35:13
Tonight's Takeaways: We are in this life because we DECIDED to be. We are developing to become like Jesus. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to guide your journey. We are motivated by God’s love and should motivate others similarly. Live in Love! Our love is polite and kind to everyone as is the love of God. Are you fasting during your consecration? We fast to please God and humble ourselves to Him. Why are we Jealous? Jealousy is not of God and does not belong in His kingdom. Rejoice with those who are happy, do not cover their winnings.
Persevere: continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.
Winsome: attractive or appealing in appearance or character.
Consecration: the action of making or setting something to God
January 7, 2024: Outside the Box
Scriptures: Romans 12:2; Matthew 7:24, 8:13, 28:14; Isaiah 50:4; John 2-3; Ecclesiastes 5:1; Luke 16:10
Today's Takeaways: We need to learn how to trust God. Trust that God will deliver you from all hardships. Believe in Him and you will receive all that you pray for. We should be making disciples of all nationalities; reaching out to people in love, and winning them to God. Just as those in the world can contaminate you, so can those in the church. Come to His house to LISTEN and LEARN the Word. What we learn will nourish those around us and our souls as well. Assist, Defend, and Help the weary. Even when they are not as willing to be helped, show them love and they will open up to you.
"Faith is a springboard for answered prayers"
January 3, 2024: Consistent Christianity
Scriptures: Luke 9:23; 2 Cor. 5:17; 1 Tim. 6; Col. 3:3; 1 John 3:10; Luke 24:32; 1 Cor. 16:13
Today's Takeaways: We should want to be a disciple. Be willing and obediently sold out. God’s mercy is renewed daily. Deny yourself daily and follow Jesus. Impact lives with God’s love. Consecration messes with your flesh which messes with your faith. Consecration denies your flesh Earthly pleasures, making it easy to distract you from your walk. Do for the Lord and be happy. Watch how you come across. The word of God strengthens our hearts. The Word is a lifestyle, NOT entertainment. Consecration helps us live by the Word and not rely on our flesh.
Consistently: acting or done in the same way, unchanging standards
December 3, 2023: Hearing the Word
Scripture: Rom. 10:17; Psa. 66:12; Mark 4:14-20; James 1; Luke 12; Pro. 2:1&10; Matt 7:13, 25; 1 Cor. 12:9
Today's Takeaways: Number 1 thing: listening to the Word of God. Learn how to do the right thing. The Word is not changing. Read the Word completely, no cherry-picking. The Word should be our No.1 ambition. Obey the Word and get to your wealthy place. We are too easily distracted. Have an evangelistic heart; tell about Jesus. Be ecstatic for all people in all things. Even in the Church, people don't want to do the Word. God wants us saved and on the path to Heaven. In life, we need someone to autocorrect us
Protégé: apprentice; a person who is guided by an older and more experienced person.
November 19, 2023: Hearing the Word
Scripture: Rom. 10:17; Eph. 4:29; Heb. 2:1, 13:17; Proverbs 10:22; 1 Tim. 1:16&17; 1 Pet. 5:9
Today's Takeaways: Faith comes by HEARING not feeling or thinking. Our faith determines how much we suffer or succeed. We need a LOT of faith. Jesus dwells in our hearts through faith. Learn to listen and get blessed. Worrying is not from God. Pay attention to the Word to stay with Him. Are we paying attention? Everybody fights temptation. Satan knows your weak points, avoid them. Nothing is too hard for God to fix. Imitate your leader's faith. God's family is going through the same struggles. Do not be afraid to lean on your spiritual family.
Repetition: the act of doing something over again and again
November 8, 2023: Sound Teaching
Scripture: Tit. 1:9&13, 2:1; 2 Tim. 4:3; Gal. 1:8; 1 Thess. 5:23; 1 Tim. 1:10, 4:16, 5:23; Pro. 1:5; Luke 16:31; James 2:25;
Tonight's Takeaways: Live in sound teaching and not with itching ears. Do not accommodate those who want the wrong teaching. Sound decisions come from sound teaching. Ask God, "How should I? What should I? When should I?" and He will give you the answer. Do not compromise your teaching for others. "Evil communication corrupts good character." What we are, hear, and see is involved in decision-making. Living in sound teaching leaves no room to be comfortable in sin.
Sound/prudent teaching: provides a pattern that when lived in Jesus promotes faith and happy living.
itching ears: Hearing the Word, but not doing.
Homework: Tit. 1:9, 1 Pet. 3:8, 4:8&10; 1 Corin. 16:14
November 5, 2023: Hearing the Word
Scriptures: Rom. 10:9-17; Gal. 3;17&26; Eph. 4:23&29 Mark 4:15-20; Heb11:6, 13:7
Today's Takeaways: We are the only things on God's mind. Faith is received by hearing and reading the Word. Learn to appreciate what God is giving you. Rely on those with the best relationship with Christ. What does God say? Satan comes to steal our joy. Worry makes us unfocused. How valuable are you? Other things will choke the Word. Pay attention to what you hear. God will help us through anything. Without the Word, it is impossible to please God. Bad things happen when you get closer to God. All hard work brings a profit. Those who understand, repeat. Focus more on the Word of God. Invest 100% or nothing in Jesus. Imitate the Pastor's faith
Choke: Things that prevent the word of God from taking root.
Drift Away: Disown, to quit, to move away slowly, carried away when you don't fully control the situation.
November 1, 2023: Sound Teaching
Scripture: Titus 1:9&13, 3:10; 2 Tim. 4:3; John 17; Gal. 1:8; Pro. 1:5&33; 1 Tim 1:9, 4:16; 1 Thess. 4:1; 1 Corin. 6&7; James 1:22
Today's Takeaways: Sound/healthy Teaching: provides a pattern that when followed promotes healthy faith in love. Sound teachers produce a desire in the heart. Our beliefs affect what we do. Everything should align with the word. Itching Ears: seeking out teaching/preaching that aligns with your lifestyle. Sound teaching is not crooked. What we hear and pay attention to matters. We come to church to listen. Listening to Christ keeps us safe. Be excited about saving. Sin is against Sound teaching. Watch your life and doctrine closely. We learn when we listen. We are hand-picked by Christ to minister. Work performance is the best form of ministering in the workplace. Respect yourself first to respect others. Continue to search for the lost, broken, astray, etc.
October 15, 2023: All Things become new
Scriptures: 2 Cor. 1, 4:16, 5:17; Ecc 5:1; Col. 4:3; 1 Cor. 15:58; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 4:21; Phil. 1:21
Today's Takeaways: By living in Jesus, we are growing every day. Our faith should grow even in old age. If we love God, we will receive good in every aspect of our lives. To live for God means to work in love and faith. Have compassion towards others in and out of the church. Practice being kind and learn humility. Be forgiving; it is the key to heaven. Show agape love to everyone, every day, on purpose. Be passionate in the church by being attentive and engaged during services. Listen and learn how to solve life's problems. Every solution can be found in the Word. God has nothing but good things for us. Before reading the Word, ask God for understanding. While reading, listen to the Word. Do not ignore what you read, understand it, put it into practice, share it with others, and become what the word says you are. Listen to people's problems. Words are not always necessary, let your heart do the talking. Let nothing distract you from doing God's work. Be strong in your walk and stay the course.
October 8, 2023: Let You become new
Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 4:16, 5:17; Romans 5:2, 8:28, 12:5; John 17; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, 15:58, 16:14; Matthew 5
Today's Takeaways: We are being blessed and renewed through God every day. We are in the "helping people" business. Even without the title of Pastor or Minister, you can still work in someone's life. However, if we do not walk in God's wisdom, we will have little to give to others. Strengthen yourself to help the weak (read Matthew through Romans). Love can be shown through acts of good and seeking the best in others. God wants us to have agape love. Allow yourself to be approachable, sociable, a good listener, and slow to speak. When reaching out to save souls, always follow up and follow through with them. God wants to provide everything for us. Be generous and God will be generous back to you. The Word of God is seeds for our life, sow it, and grow fruit.
Listen: carefully consider what is being said.
Agape love: caring for and seeking the highest good of another person without the motive of personal gain
October 4, 2023: Step-by-step
Scripture: Jeremiah 10:23; Psalms 119:133; 1 Corinthians 4:5, 10:23&24, 12:21&25, 13:1-2&4-6; Galatians 6:1; James 5:3-4; Proverbs3:17, 21:2
Tonight's Takeaways: God wants us, born again people, to do His will. Following our desires or will can cost us, even if only once. As His servants, we are assigned tasks: make disciples, lead people to Jesus, receive the backsliders, and welcome the unchurched. To do these things, we should follow our instruction manual a.k.a the Bible. Seek the good in others. Show the same concern for a stranger as you would your sister or brother. As we grow and become closer to God, we need His word even more. Continue to read your Bible, search for the truth, and do better in His name.
October 1, 2023: let you become you
Scripture: 2 Cor. 4, 5:17; Rom. 1:6, 4:1, 8:28, 10, 12:5, 13, 15:2; Acts 3:19&26; Phil. 1:6
Today's takeaways: Are you willing to obey God? God wants us to become new people. Repent for your sins and become cleansed. As we learn to love God we will come to love ourselves also. God will present many opportunities to deliver new lives to Him. Be sociable, kind, and quick to listen when these people present themselves. Is it obvious to others that you love them? How much time are you putting into showing love to other people? It is easy to learn how to love. Listening is one way to show love. Make sure you work in forgiveness and love in all you do. Give 100% of yourself to God's Kingdom, 24/7. God is OUR supplier and nothing will keep us from getting our blessings. Speak positivity even in hard times. We live by faith and NOT circumstances.
September 24, 2023: let You Become you
Scripture: Rom. 8:28; Acts 3:19, 13:17; John 13:34; 1 Cor. 9:32; Phil. 1:6; 2 Corin. 4:6&17, 10:5; John 5:1-6
Today's takeaways: You are beautifully and specially made by God. We were made to serve Him and fulfill His will for our lives. When you commit a wrong, repent and cleanse your soul. Ask for forgiveness and forget the dispute happened. Do not let Satan hold past guilt over your head. Learn to love as Jesus loves us and give that love to everyone. Give all that you can happily and without hesitation. Are we listening or ignoring? Open your ears and be considerate of the struggles of others. God wants us to enjoy life! Do not dread the mundane everyday tasks life throws at you. Instead, rejoice and be happy that you can complete those tasks and that you have seen another day. Remember: it costs nothing but time to be hospitable and kind. Check on others regularly and be there even when they are not in need.
This week, pray that God sends you people who have strayed from Him, those who are lost, those who are sick or injured, and those who are weak.
September 20, 2023: Step-by-step
Scripture: Jeremiah 10:23; Psalms 119; Proverbs 3:17; John 8:18; Proverbs 14:2
Tonight's takeaways: God will answer all of our prayers and concerns according to His word. Learn to assess a situation; do not act in haste. Ensure that you use His word to make the best decision. There will always be a path that seems correct but is not of God. Use His word to guide your steps for His word never lies. Are we working more than we are attending church? Do we let our friends and family keep us from attending services? Do not be swayed by bad influences, keep in the right company. Be helpful to those who help you. Become others' minded; do things for the good of other people. Learn to win people and deliver them to God. Search for the weak, sick, injured (mentally and physically), lost, and astray, and bring them to God.
September 17, 2023: let you become you
Scripture: Titus 2:10; 1 Corinthians 9:22; 1 Timothy 6:17; Philippians 1:6; John 5:6, 8:28, 10:10, 13:35; 2 Corinthians 4:16, 5:17
Today's takeaways: We should surround ourselves with good things. That includes valuable people; brothers and sisters in the faith. Learn to love yourself and others unselfishly (2nd Commandment: love thy neighbor as thyself). Let yourself be quick to listen and slow to speak, reach out to those who call on you. Be a good giver, be that with offerings to the church or your time to those in need. God wants us to help the weak and injured. Be forgiving, forgiveness is a sign of love. Do not feel guilty over transgressions from years ago, guilt is not of God. Be patient in all things. Are you following what God tells you? God's plans will reveal themselves when He allows them. Study the word and get to your wealthy place.